The ASE is delighted to be hosting its Annual Conference, generously sponsored by AQA, at the University of Nottingham from 9th to 11th January 2025. International sessions are incorporated throughout the event’s 3 days and we will have a great exhibition with lots of exclusive Conference offers. Post-16 focus-day and for those involved in leading and delivering professional development, the Teacher Developers’ Group programme is Thursday. Friday is the dedicated Technicians day, kindly sponsored by Philip Harris, and Early Career Teacher day. Sessions for both Primary and 11-19 are threaded throughout all 3 days with a focus on Research on Saturday.

Book your tickets now at https://ase2025AnnConf.eventbrite.co.uk - and remember, if you are an ASE member you will benefit from hugely discounted prices! Check out our membership here - it’s free for Early Career Teachers and only £25 for Technicians!

Thursday January 9, 2025 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Please join us for your opportunity to have hands-on experience using wireless sensors to data log. You will be able to try out all these experiments for yourself – Cooling effect; Translucent, transparent, opaque; Thermal imaging; Testing for acidity; Chemical reactions; Cola and Alka Seltzer; Pulse; Heart rate; Hit the brakes; Timing cars; Measuring g; Magnet through a coil; Walk this way; Speed of sound in air and any others you may wish to. Please download our app, EasySense2, to your smartphone – it’s free!  (Android users, allow all permissions).
avatar for Iain Davison

Iain Davison

UK Sales Manager, Data Harvest
I used to teach Secondary Science and did quite a lot of Primary Liaison. I was introduced to data-loggers in my first year of teaching in 1990 and used them ever since and always bought from Data Harvest. In 2000 I received the Institute of Electrical Engineers Teacher of The Year... Read More →

Andy Billington

Technical Support Officer, Data Harvest
Thursday January 9, 2025 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Physics lab (room A22)
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