ASE 2025 Annual Conference
Attending this event?
The ASE is delighted to be hosting its Annual Conference, generously sponsored by AQA, at the University of Nottingham from 9th to 11th January 2025. International sessions are incorporated throughout the event for this year and we will have a great exhibition with lots of exclusive Conference offers. Post-16 focus-day and for those involved in leading and delivering professional development, the Teacher Developers’ Group programme is Thursday. Friday is the dedicated Technicians day and Early Career Teacher day. Sessions for both Primary and 11-19 are threaded throughout all 3 days with a focus on Research on Saturday.
Book your tickets now at https://ase2025AnnConf.eventbrite.co.uk - and remember, if you are an ASE member you will benefit from hugely discounted prices! Check out our membership here - it’s free for Early Career Teachers and only £25 for Technicians!

Curriculum and New Teaching Approaches clear filter
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Friday, January 10

08:45 GMT

Spaced Learning in Physics Education
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Can the whole of the Atomic Structure GCSE unit be taught and learnt in one hour? This workshop will explore the impact of Spaced Learning within lessons in physics education. This statistically significant study shows how recent advances in our understanding of neuroscience can be applied to the classroom to maximise learning rates.

Delegates will explore evidence-based approaches to implement Spaced Learning in their teaching, as well as gaining insight in this exciting area of cognitive science. Although the research study and associated peer-reviewed article presented is focused on physics teaching and learning, the strategies discussed are highly transferrable to other areas of the curriculum.
avatar for Rachel Hartley

Rachel Hartley

Pedagogy and Professional Practice Strategic Lead, Institute of Physics

Alessio Bernadelli

Professional Support Coach, Institute of Physics
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Coates C27

08:45 GMT

STEM and Metacognition - What Strategies Complement Our Teaching?
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Metacognition is a hugely powerful pedagogy. In fact, it is the highest rated impact that EEF have researched. Beyond this, it is also a key part of ITT and high-quality CPD, as defined by OFSTED. However, it is quite a complex theory, and often ignored by schools and teachers alike.

This session will look to address these difficulties, by presenting a number of high-quality metacognitive strategies which can be introduced quickly and successfully into the STEM classroom.

These strategies build from work undertaken with OUP, around the ideas of planning, monitoring and evaluation. No teacher will leave this session without new or improved strategies that they can instantly introduce into their classroom.

Nathan Burns

Mr Metacognition
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Pope A34

08:45 GMT

All Change in the EYFS!
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Changing seasons, changing states, growing and decaying all provide rich learning opportunities for pupils in the EYFS. This session looks at engaging activities for observing over time enquiries spanning minutes, hours, days and weeks.
avatar for Kathryn Horan CSciTeach

Kathryn Horan CSciTeach

Pudsey Waterloo Primary School, Primary Science Consultant, Pudsey Waterloo Primary School
I'm a primary teacher, PSQM Hub Leader and independent consultant based in West Yorkshire. I'm also a PSTT College Fellow and Chartered Science Teacher.I have particular interests in effective links between science and literacy, including teaching science with stories and using drama... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
Physics A01

08:45 GMT

Retrieval Roulette: What works in Primary Science?
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT
This session will delve into the concept of retrieval practice and its transformative impact on primary science teaching and learning. Designed for primary teachers and teacher developers, this session provides actionable strategies, supported by robust research, to improve memory retention and comprehension in young learners, including:

•Cognitive science about retrieval.
•Practical ideas for retrieval examples from key stage one and key stage two
•Results of a teacher survey about retrieval - which strategies are people using and what are the barriers to retrieval ?
•Overcoming obstacles for retrieval.
We will explore the definition and cognitive benefits of retrieval practice, with some background neuroscience, underpinned by educational research, and investigate practical examples for use in the classroom – giving you a toolkit of strategies to embed retrieval practice into your daily teaching to support engagement, address misconceptions, make meaningful and relevant links, and reinforce learning to boost pupil outcomes.
avatar for Claire Seeley MA CSciTeach

Claire Seeley MA CSciTeach

Primary Science Education Consultant
avatar for Dr Jo Montgomery

Dr Jo Montgomery

Primary Science Education Consultant, Dr Jo Science Solutions
With both a teaching and science background, Dr. Jo Montgomery has more than 20 years’ experience working with children and schools to support science education from Early Years to university. Passionate about encouraging curiosity and investigation, Jo is a primary science specialist... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 08:45 - 09:35 GMT

09:45 GMT

100 years on from the Scopes Monkey Trial - evolution education then and now
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT
In 1925, a high school teacher, John Scopes, was found guilty of violating the state of Tennessee’ Butler Act which made it illegal to teach human evolution in state-funded schools. We introduce interdisciplinary (science and RE) classroom resources which revisit the 1925 Trial through a role play and help students learn how our understanding of fossils and evolution have developed since. 
avatar for Marianne Cutler

Marianne Cutler

Director, Policy and Curriculum Innovation, ASE
Marianne has overall responsibility for curriculum support and projects at the ASE. She works closely with ASE committees and manages professional development projects.
avatar for Michael J. Reiss

Michael J. Reiss

Professor of Science Education, UCL IOE

Denise Cush

Professor of Religious Education, Bath Spa University

David Francis

Big Ideas for Religious Education
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT
Chemistry LT X2 (with sink)

09:45 GMT

ECT's Keynote: Should practical work be like recipes?
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT
Engaging students in the practice of science is fundamental for learning. Debate persists over how this can be achieved in the classroom and the research reveals the potential and caution required if teachers are to utilise practical science activities effectively, as ‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on’ learning opportunities.

In this keynote, we will review and discuss the importance of facilitating practical work that supports students’ deep intellectual engagement with the practice of science during inquiry-based activities and how this translates into improved learning.

We will reconsider research around inquiry-based learning, cognitive acceleration in science education, and classroom dialogue through a practical science lens. This body of research provides valuable insights into how this can be achieved in your classroom. Drawing from the real-classroom experiences of KS2-KS4 teachers (like you) who have adapted their pedagogical and assessment practices, we will illustrate how practical science activity can engage students in minds-on learning.

Natasha Serret

Senior Lecturer in Education, Nottingham Trent University
Dr. Natasha Serret BA (Hons) MA PGCE SFHEAPrimary BA Joint Course LeaderSenior Lecturer in EducationNottingham Trent UniversityNottingham Institute of Education
avatar for Catarina Corriea

Catarina Corriea

Lecturer in Education, University College London
Bio:I started my academic career as a PhD student in Thermochemistry in 2002, at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. For the next decade, I conducted research in photoacoustic calorimetry, structural characterisation of biomolecules through IRMPD, FT-ICR MS and computational chemistry... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT
Pope LT C17

09:45 GMT

Science education in an age of Misinformation
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT
We are living in an Age of Misinformation – much of it scientific.  The problem is compounded by: a) the hubris that comes from the belief that Google can provide all the answers; b) the fallacious belief that we have no need of experts; and c) a science education which deludes itself that it can educate students to be scientifically literate. Yet nothing could be further from the truth as we are all dependent on the expertise of scientists as we are on the expertise of a plumber, lawyer or doctor.  Most of the science that we encounter from how to mitigate climate change to the risks of vaccination are too complex and way beyond the boundaries of school science.  The issue, it will be shown, is not one of evaluating the science but rather make judgements of credibility of scientific experts and the claims they put forward. What can and must school science do to help?

This workshop will present the findings of an international, interdisciplinary team which explored this issue and the recommendations that emerged from their work in the report – Science Education in an Age of Misinformation (available from https://sciedandmisinfo.stanford.edu/) . The workshop will be interactive drawing on classroom examples for participants to discuss and explore requiring the use of foundational media literacy strategies and the use of three key questions that must be asked of any scientific claim. These are: Is there a conflict of interest? Does this person/organization have the appropriate scientific expertise? And is there a scientific consensus on this topic?

Participants will have an opportunity to consider what they can do in their classrooms and discuss the arguments for why current curricula are woefully inadequate in addressing scientific misinformation which is undermining belief in science, and more broadly, belief in democracy.
avatar for Jonathan Osborne

Jonathan Osborne

Professor, Stanford University
My career started by teaching science in London comprehensives in 1972 for 9 years.  Curently I am the Kamalachari Professor in Science Education, Emeritus, in the Graduate School of Education, Stanford University in California but now back in the UK. I was President of the US National... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 09:45 - 10:35 GMT

11:15 GMT

Bringing DNA into the Primary Classroom with yourgenome.org
Friday January 10, 2025 11:15 - 12:05 GMT
DNA is a fundamental principle in biology and it is never too early to get students talking about it!

Yourgenome.org is a one-stop shop for information about DNA, genes and genomes. Recently updated it offers a great range of teaching resources suitable for primary science.

This session aims to introduce and demonstrate a selection of resources from yourgenome.org that can be easily applied to the teaching of topics around variation, evolution and living things, as well as some great Science Week Activities!

The presenters will walk participants through a selection of resources, highlighting curriculum links and how they can be applied in the classroom. From this session participants will be able to:
- Locate a range of resources on the Yourgenome.org website
- Understand how to integrate teaching resources into teaching plans
- Deliver different DNA-related content in their teaching

Francesca Gale

Head of Engagement and Enrichment, Wellcome Connecting Science

Karen Stephens

Science Engagement Manager, Wellcome Connecting Science
Friday January 10, 2025 11:15 - 12:05 GMT
Physics A01

11:15 GMT

Forensic Science - a novel approach to teach children about inheritance
Friday January 10, 2025 11:15 - 12:05 GMT
A crime has been committed. There has been a theft at the ASE conference! In this session the participants will become Forensic Scientists. We will find out how Scene of Crime Officers (SOCOs) collect DNA evidence from the crime scene and how the evidence can be used to solve this case. As part of our analysis we will reveal how the thieves in this case are all part of the same family. We will see how information contained in the DNA has been inherited from the mother and father and how this evidence builds to create a strong case to convict them. This is a fantastic way of directly demonstrating the process of inheritance to children in an engaging and fun way. It will help with their understanding of the topic and to see how inheritance can be used to solve criminal cases in the real world. Come along to see some fantastic novel approaches for helping to teach Year 6 pupils about "Evolution & Inheritance".
avatar for Mandy Hartley

Mandy Hartley

Science Educator, The Little Story Telling Company
My name is Dr Mandy Hartley. I worked in science for 15 years using DNA to help conserve stocks of fish in the North Sea, diagnose patients with inherited genetic diseases and helping identify and reunite families using DNA. I also set up the forensic laboratories for the Norfolk... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 11:15 - 12:05 GMT

12:15 GMT

How can the science of early brain development strengthen outcomes for children?
Friday January 10, 2025 12:15 - 13:05 GMT
Could the inclusion of the science of early brain development in the national curriculum build the skills and knowledge we need to close the attainment gap and build the next generation of parents and citizens? This session will take the form of a panel discussion on the science of early child development and the long-term impact that early experiences can have on the life chances of every child.

It will talk about the changes we could make to society and education through teaching children about early child development and hear from teachers who have done this by teaching the SEEN Curriculum. Speakers will be key players in education, and science leads/teachers who have taught the Kindred2 SEEN programme to KS2/KS3 students.

The session will end with a Q&A and discussion with delegates, and we will be keen to hear your thoughts and questions
  • Suitable for early years, primary, secondary or policy audience with an interest in curricula and new approaches to teaching.
  • The SEEN Programme was developed in collaboration with Oxford University and two Expert Advisory Groups.
  • Kindred² is a charitable foundation working collaboratively with partner organisations to improve early education and early child development.

    Kindred² is proud to be sponsoring this session for the ASE at its' 2025 Annual Conference.

avatar for Felicity Gillespie

Felicity Gillespie

CEO, Kindred Squared
Felicity Gillespie is the Chief Executive of Kindred2, a private foundation focused on improving the quality of early childhood development. She is currently a member of the independent expert panel advising Sir David Bell’s Review of Early Years, commissioned by the Labour Party.Felicity... Read More →
avatar for Liz Robinson

Liz Robinson

CEO, Bid Education
Liz is a school and system leader, passionate about asking bigger questions about what school can or should be about and working with others to make that a reality. Liz began her headship back in 2006, and leads from a clear vision of education which acknowledges the reality of children... Read More →
avatar for Molly Devlin

Molly Devlin

Headteacher, Arkstart
Molly is the Headteacher at Ark Start, a nursery group based in London as well as the Early Years Network Lead for Ark Schools, leading curriculum, teaching and learning and assessment across the Ark Primary schools in Birmingham, Portsmouth, Hastings and London. Prior to this, Molly... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 12:15 - 13:05 GMT

13:15 GMT

Frames for Learning: Applying Psychology and Cognitive Science in Class
Friday January 10, 2025 13:15 - 14:05 GMT
Frames for Learning (F4L) is a CPD programme for teachers and their teaching assistants which aims to improve science attainment by scaffolding how teachers and pupils approach multi-staged science tasks. F4L is an EEF funded pipeline project that recently completed its pilot phase (September 2023- July 2024).

The F4L programme aims to increase pupils’ recall, knowledge, and understanding in science, by supporting teachers to use the F4L approach. This approach can be integrated into the existing curriculum, and supports teachers to develop and deliver lessons which optimise the amount of information children must process at once (cognitive load), whilst building on pre-existing knowledge and understanding (schema development) to support learning outcomes.

Y5 teachers from 20 primary schools in South Yorkshire and neighbouring regions participated in the pilot. Training took place through a mix of face-to-face and online CPD sessions. Initially, teachers were trained to use worked examples that they could apply immediately. The training programme culminated in teachers planning and delivering their own lessons using the F4L approach. Alongside these applied skills, attendees gained an appreciation of how applied psychology and cognitive science can make a difference to teaching and learning in the primary classroom.

This interactive workshop is hosted by the lead developers of the F4L programme: Andy Bullough and Diarmuid Verrier. The workshop is suitable for teachers and teaching assistants. It will cover key issues that arose during the pilot phase as teachers applied the F4L approach within their classroom and will describe the ways in which the approach supports primary science education.

The ‘frame’ itself is an elegantly simple and readily accessible approach and curriculum tool used to develop a scaffolded pedagogy to science enquiry in KS2 science activities that supports the progress of all learners, including disadvantaged learners.

During the session an exemplar frame activity will be used to consider how the frame can help good practice in the classroom, through the application of cognitive science concepts and principles such as focus, attention, cognitive load theory, schema development, dialogic approaches and meta cognition in the classroom setting.

Building the frame into lesson plans can help ensure that children are ‘on task’ and focused on the intended activity, that they are learning the required curriculum content, and that they are successfully achieving the learning objectives of the task.

By attending this workshop, delegates will develop an enhanced appreciation of how cognitive science approaches can be applied in the classroom.  In addition, this is an opportunity to learn more about the frames approach in particular, as well as possible future F4L CPD opportunities.
avatar for Andy Bullough

Andy Bullough

Senior Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University
I am a senior research fellow at Sheffield Institute of Education's Centre for Research and Knowledge Exchange. My interests focus on curriculum development, especially in terms of the design of teaching and learning resources and their associated theories. I work on projects with... Read More →

Diarmuid Verrier

Senior lecturer applied developmental psychology, Sheffield Hallam University.
Friday January 10, 2025 13:15 - 14:05 GMT
Chemistry LT X2 (with sink)

13:15 GMT

The roles of parents in promoting their children’s interest toward science
Friday January 10, 2025 13:15 - 14:05 GMT
The focus of our research is to inform how classroom science practice can be improved through effective engagement with parents in an out of school science club.

The focus participant samples are families from ethnic diverse backgrounds from The Meadows in Nottingham. Both parents and their children explore different scientific concepts from the EYFS or National Curriculum and develop their use of scientific vocabulary.

Parents are an important factor to the collaboration of home-school communication. In the session, they reflect on their school experiences and reflect on their science learning. They use their own unique experiences and life journey to present scientific learning in the classroom.

Providing contextual learning linked to the seasons/weather/local habitats allows the children to experience science daily and engage in everyday conversations using their scientific literacy.

By providing effectively engaging sessions, we are building a community of families that can envisage careers for their children in the world of science. The children build confidence in themselves as scientific explorers and can feel what it means to think like a scientist.

The co-collaboration of parents has enlightened us on their invaluable support for encouraging and supporting their children’s learning away from school.

As the majority of our families have English as a second language and some children also have SEND, we are proactive in promoting effective use of scientific literacy and scientific vocabulary.

We have observed children’s and their parents’ engagement and enthusiasm grow over the past 18 months. We have identified language as a barrier for communicating abstract concepts but have found that using the right approach and apparatus, we are able to teach the learning objectives clearly.

The approaches we have used are self-narration; short simple direct instructional language for processes and challenge; verbal feedback from the parents, praise and encouragement for the children. Importantly we have found that reflection on the learning also helps consolidate the new learning, ready for the next session.

Interestingly, we have applied adapted approaches to the input but have retained the same outcome for all of the children in attendance. We have noticed that the competency of children’s first language at home also correlates with the engagement of science learning. They can be imaginative and support this with language. They can create pictures mentally with the support of their parents in their first language. We call this ‘family learning’. Many of the families from the marginalised backgrounds express their desire for social mobility for the children and they believe that a firm grounding in science is essential. Many of our parents are highly qualified from the country of birth and apply their knowledge to the sessions explaining what is happening to their children.

The children have developed essential skills such as listening, following instructions, asking questions, sharing, turn taking, drawing, explaining, relating their understanding to others, developing writing skills and collaborating in family learning.
avatar for Jamila Hussain

Jamila Hussain

Senior Lecturer, Bishop Grosseteste University
Saffron Science has been running for the past 18 months at The Meadows Library in The Meadows, Nottingham. This exploratory research investigates the views of the parents, what they have enjoyed, what they have found difficult and what they would like in the future.  There is a focus... Read More →
Friday January 10, 2025 13:15 - 14:05 GMT
Pope LT C17

14:15 GMT

Enhancing science education by the ways of thinking and working in science
Friday January 10, 2025 14:15 - 15:05 GMT
This work is based on research about Cognitive Acceleration in Science Education (CASE) and recent trends in science teaching, related to the integration of scientific practices and the development of critical thinking and high-order skills in students (Kuhn & Lerman, 2021; Merta Dhewa et al., 2017; Oliver & Venville, 2015; Osborne, 2014). The work describes a proposal for science teaching at a public high school in the United Kingdom (St Joseph’s Catholic High School, Slough, UK)

The proposal encompasses 15 teaching units that engage students in inquiring, modelling, and argumentation practices around challenging learning scenarios found in the National Curriculum for Physics. The learning scenarios confront students’ initial ideas and engage them in outlining initial models that will be confronted with the results of hands-on work that creates a need for exploring and understanding. The teacher’s guide is essential to trigger the social construction of knowledge and the development of metacognitive skills in students, through small-group and whole-group discussions. Argumentation is carefully scaffolded to stimulate students’ logical reasoning and to support them in the development of evidence-based conclusions.

In addition, the teaching units integrate specific episodes of the history of science providing meaningful contexts to understand how and why particular scientific explanatory models around big ideas related to energy, forces, or the properties and structure of matter were built. These episodes are meaningfully connected to the topic explored in any teaching unit and in combination with the experimental work and guided reasoning, provide a powerful approach to support the reconstruction of students’ initial models.

This work is part of a PhD thesis using a pre/post-research design to evaluate the impact of the intervention on students’ knowledge and skills. In addition, qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied to analyse students’ artefacts and the teacher and students interactions to develop a better understanding of the process that fosters cognitive development and scientific reasoning in students

Kuhn, D., & Lerman, D. (2021). Yes but: Developing a critical stance toward evidence. International Journal of Science Education, 43(7), 1036-1053.
Merta Dhewa, K., Rosidin, U., Abdurrahman, A., & Suyatna, A. (2017). The development of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) instrument assessment in physics study. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 7(1), 26-32.
Oliver, M., & Venville, G. (2015). Cognitive acceleration through science education: The CASE for thinking through science. In The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking (pp. 378-387). Routledge.
Osborne, J. (2014). Teaching scientific practices: Meeting the challenge of change. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(2), 177-196.
Suprapto, E., Sumiharsono, R., & Ramadhan, S. (2020). The Analysis of Instrument Quality to Measure the Students' Higher Order Thinking Skill in Physics Learning. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(4), 520-527.

Alejandro Romero Munoz

Jaen University
Friday January 10, 2025 14:15 - 15:05 GMT

14:15 GMT

Should we use Retrieval Practice? Moving towards Retrieval-based Learning
Friday January 10, 2025 14:15 - 15:05 GMT
In recent years, education in England has seen a move towards ‘evidenced-based’ practice with the Department for Education privileging ideas and practice drawn from cognitive science.  

An area that has gained significant interest is that of ‘retrieval practice’. On the face of it, retrieval practice appears to be an intuitive and easy to implement strategy for a teacher, as it requires students to retrieve (remember) information from their long-term memory, rather than passively restudy it. The act of deliberately retrieving information then improves the retention and later retrieval of that information, which is often referred to as the ‘testing effect’.

Despite there being strong evidence that retrieval practice supports learning, there are a number of issues that teachers should be aware of when translating the research into effective classroom practice.

This session aims to share some of the issues that retrieval practice research raises for teachers and discusses some key consideration for teachers who already use or want to use retrieval-based strategies in their practice. Drawing on findings from two recent research projects, the concept of retrieval-based learning will be outlined, along with key ideas to support the development of effective and efficient strategies.

Gareth Bates

Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University
Friday January 10, 2025 14:15 - 15:05 GMT
Pope A34

15:45 GMT

Teaching KS2 pupils about the nature of science: an oracy-based approach
Friday January 10, 2025 15:45 - 16:35 GMT
This workshop addresses two important themes in primary science education:
•the effective application of oracy to the teaching and learning of science;
•the need to teach conceptual disciplinary knowledge (to develop an understanding of what science is and how the scientific community works) more effectively.

The materials to be shared are being developed as part of a project funded by the PHG Foundation and led by Professor Rupert Wegerif at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. They build on the legacy of the Thinking Together project which set out to enable pupils to make better use of spoken language to think well, both socially and individually. It is hoped that teaching pupils to think well about the nature of science and the scientific community will enhance their appreciation of science as a way of knowing about the world, make the subject more relevant and meaningful to them (build their science capital), and support them to better understand and evaluate information they are exposed to online. We also hope that engagement with the materials will support pupils to feel more ‘present’ and valued as co-constructors of their own understanding of science.

Each participant will be given a set of materials developed as part of the project.
The session will enable participants to:
•use a set of detailed lesson plans and accompanying resources to teach pupils how to talk and think effectively in small groups and as a whole class (with benefits that extend beyond science lessons!)
•use the materials to explore key ideas about the nature of science and the scientific community with their pupils, mainly through the medium of talk;
•engage students in dialogues that connect the science curriculum to their lived experience, building their science capital;
•develop their own confidence to teach conceptual disciplinary knowledge;
•more confidently facilitate classroom dialogue so that pupils are more actively engaged in co-constructing their own understanding.

Session details:
Participants will be given an overview of the project materials and the opportunity to engage in a number of the activities. There will be time to reflect on the value of the materials and different models for their integration into the science curriculum. These discussions will be informed by feedback from rigorous in-school evaluation. The presenters will draw on their extensive experience of oracy-based pedagogy to model and discuss the effective use of the materials (Neil Phillipson is a SAPERE P4C trainer, an associate of Oracy Cambridge, and an author on dialogic education, as well as being an experienced Primary Science Quality Mark hub leader.  A practicing teacher from our teacher-evaluation team, will also attend).

Neil Phillipson

PSQM Hub Leader, dialogic education / oracy trainer, Representing Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Friday January 10, 2025 15:45 - 16:35 GMT
Pope LT C17

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