About me
I have something of a diverse career profile, but this session is really allowing me to join the dots! I'm a former secondary Head of Science and local authority consultant. I have been a PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark) hub leader for 13 years. I also have a strong interest in dialogic education, and am an Associate of Oracy Cambridge and a trainer with SAPERE P4C. The resource that we'll be exploring at the conference is being developed with colleagues at Hughes Hall, part of the University of Cambridge. It is intended to introduce primary school (KS2) pupils to the scientific community and its practices and ways of thinking, and to how ways of thinking scientifically, (adopting a sceptical attitude and looking for and evaluating evidence, for example), can be applied in everyday life. The lessons are all oracy-based, and I hope this session will provide a good example of meaningful oracy in the curriculum. I really hope you can join me and the teachers who have been trialling the materials - hope to see you in Nottingham!